The Sexton Law Firm

(619) 476 - 9436




Firm Members

James Sexton

James F. Sexton, Esq.




During the first 10 years of his legal practice, James F. Sexton, Esq. represented insurance companies, defending them against claims from persons injured in car accidents and at work. Every dollar Mr. Sexton saved the insurance companies meant a dollar less for the deserving injured persons.

In 2001 when Mr. Sexton decided he would rather help people than advocate against them. Mr. Sexton now represents car accident victims and injured workers versus the insurance companies and is dedicated to protecting his client’s legal rights.


The Sexton Law Firm has been delivering results since we opened in 2001. Our goal is to provide both a superior customer service experience and tremendous value for our clients.
James F. Sexton and his staff have a combined 80 years of experience in the legal industry and are passionate about exceeding your expectations.
We love our clients and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.

Firm Education

James F. Sexton, Esq.

  • California Western School of Law

3130 Bonita Rd. Suite 104, Chula Vista, CA 91910

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