The Law Office Of Paul Staley (619) 235 - 9645 Firm Established: Awaiting Information Approximate Number of Cases: Awaiting Information Free Initial Consultation: Yes Website: Firm Members Paul Staley About You may be asking yourself why Paul Staley ,San Diego bankruptcy lawyer would offer you a free bankruptcy consultation. The reason is really quite simple: many honest and hard-working Americans are still having financial problems, even though it is reported in the media that the recession is over. In today’s economy, there are still many in financial trouble. These are honest people who have found themselves under enormous financial pressure. Many have been thinking about filing bankruptcy, but worry about being characterized unfavorably. This often keeps them from talking to anyone about their situation. When you find yourself in the middle of a financial crisis, it is not a moral question. At this bankruptcy law firm, Paul is dedicated to helping people just like you; people who have found themselves in an economic hurricane. When meeting with Paul, you will have the opportunity to know what your legal options are and you will have a clearer understanding of your financial situation. You can then determine what works best for you. There really are answers; you just need to ask the questions. Firm EducationPaul StaleyChristian Life College 1979Thomas Jefferson School of Law 1979 5005 Texas Street, #303 SAN DIEGO, California 92108 Ratings & Reviews Avvo Yelp Contact Contact Law Firm Name * First Last * Last Phone Number * Email * Area of Practice BankruptcyBusinessCivil RightsCriminal / DUIEmploymentEstate PlanningFamily / DivorceImmigrationLandlord / TenantMedical MalpracticePersonal InjuryReal EstateSocial SecurityTaxationWorkers' Compensation Questions or Case Description * Confirm Humanity We need to confirm you're not a "bot" If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Blog Feed