Elia Law Firm APC (619) 444 - 2244 Firm Established: Awaiting Information Approximate Number of Cases: Awaiting Information Free Initial Consultation: Yes Website: elialaw.com Firm Members Steven A. EliaFOUNDING ATTORNEY AND SHAREHOLDERMaura GriffinATTORNEY OF COUNSELHolly Attiq SemaanSHAREHOLDERGarrett GroomASSOCIATE ATTORNEY About We’re proud to be one of San Diego’s “Top Attorneys” For over two decades, our team of personal injury, civil litigation, and business attorneys have been recognized for the positive results we achieve in helping people resolve their injury claims, navigate corporate legal transactions, and prosecute or defend their cases in court. Our unique collaborative approach to legal services means you benefit from the perspectives and experience of one or more attorneys assigned to your case – as well as the assistance of paralegals, investigators, and experts. SAN DIEGO PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS – CHASING JUSTICE ON BEHALF OF THE INJURED AND THE SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY SAN DIEGO CAR ACCIDENT LAWYERS – CHASING JUSTICE AND GETTING OUR CLIENTS THE COMPENSATION THEY DESERVE Bar AdmissionsSteven A. EliaCalifornia Supreme Court and all lower California CourtsUnited States District Court, Southern District of CaliforniaUnited States District Court, Central District of CaliforniaUnited States District Court, Northern District of CaliforniaMaura GriffinCalifornia Supreme Court and all lower California CourtsUnited States District Court Southern District of CaliforniaUnited States District Court Northern District of CaliforniaHolly Attiq SemaanGarrett Groom MembershipsSteven A. EliaState Bar of CaliforniaSan Diego County Bar AssociationConsumer Attorneys of San Diego (CASD)American Bar Association (ABA)Better Business Bureau (BBB)Maura GriffinState Bar of CaliforniaSan Diego Bar AssociationAmerican Bar AssociationBetter Business Bureau of San DiegoConsumer Attorneys of San DiegoCriminal Defense Bar AssociationCriminal Defense Lawyer’s Club of San DiegoCalifornia Public Defenders AssociationHolly Attiq SemaanGarrett Groom Firm AwardsSteven A. EliaSan Diego Daily Transcript 2013 Semi-Finalist for Top Attorney Corporate TransactionalSan Diego Daily Transcript 2011 Semi-Finalist for Top Attorney Corporate TransactionalSan Diego Daily Transcript 2009 Finalist for Top Attorney Corporate TransactionalMaura GriffinHolly Attiq SemaanCooley Diversity Fellowship recipientRanked Top Law Student in her classUniversity of San Diego Law ReviewMoot Court Associate BoardOutstanding Oral Argument Award in Lawyering SkillsCALI Award for Excellence in the Future in Criminal LawAcademic Achievement ScholarshipAlumni ScholarshipLearning Assistant for Torts and ContractsGarrett GroomWinner Top 100 Jury Verdict Award in 2022American Jurisprudence Award in Trial Skills and California SentencingMember of the Competitive Trial Team3rd Place Lynch Moot Court CompetitionDean’s List Academic Award Firm EducationSteven A. EliaCalifornia Western School of Law, Juris Doctor (2001)University of California San Diego (UCSD), Bachelor of Arts (1998)Maura GriffinJD, University of San Diego School of LawBachelors of Arts, University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB)Holly Attiq SemaanUniversity of San Diego School of Law, Juris Doctor (2012)San Diego State University Bachelor of Arts, Political Science with a Minor in Sociology (2009)Garrett GroomJD, California Western School of Law ’20Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Hope International University ’16 2221 Camino Del Rio S, Ste. 207 San Diego, CA, 92108 Ratings & Reviews Yelp Contact Contact Law Firm Name * First Last * Last Phone Number * Email * Area of Practice BankruptcyBusinessCivil RightsCriminal / DUIEmploymentEstate PlanningFamily / DivorceImmigrationLandlord / TenantMedical MalpracticePersonal InjuryReal EstateSocial SecurityTaxationWorkers' Compensation Questions or Case Description * Confirm Humanity We need to confirm you're not a "bot" If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit